Mastopexy or "Lifting"
Over time the effects of gravity along with the loss of the skin’s natural elasticity begin to have an effect on the appearance of a woman’s breasts. Pregnancy and nursing may also cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and appearance.


Breast lifting, also known as Mastopexy is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape drooping breasts through the removal of excess skin and repositioning of the nipple and remaining tissue. A breast lift can restore the shape and firmness of the breasts, as well as reduce the size areola. Breast implants can be placed either above or beneath the breast and major muscle groups in the chest area in conjunction with a breast lift, if the patient also desires an increase in volume and size.


Breast lift surgery can be performed within two to three hours. The best breast lift technique can be determined with your doctor after taking into account a few factors including the size and shape of your breasts, the size of your areolas, and the extent of sagging. The number and length of incisions needed varies based upon the individual.

Common breast lift techniques include:

Circumareolar, or “Doughnut” Mastopexy, incision around areolar only
Lollipop Mastopexy, or limited incision around areola with vertical line
Inverted “T” Mastopexy, or incision around areola with vertical and horizontal lines
Augmentation Mastopexy, or simultaneous breast lift and augmentation with implants


The ideal candidate for breast surgery is a non-smoking adult with drooping breasts, downward pointing areolas/nipples, and breasts lacking substance or firmness. The patient should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their results


Typical bruising and swelling of the breasts for 1 to 3 days
Slight discomfort for up to 7 days post-surgery
Following the removal of bandages or surgical bra- soft support bra should be worn for 3 to 4 weeks
Stitches will be removed in stages over a period of 3 to 4 weeks
Return to work within 5 to 7 days